Last weekend saw us attend The Pharmacy Show, a huge exhibition for dedicated pharmacy professionals from across the world.
It was our first visit as a partner exhibitor with our sister company We Love Surveys and I have to say that I was really pleased with how the event went for us. We were unsure whether what we had to offer would be interesting when faced with the vast array of options but we had some fantastic conversations with a range of colleagues from owner managers of community pharmacies and mental health trusts to large corporates to NHS leaders.
This also meant that we had double the amounts of swag to usual – our Drugs Audit Stress Pills were the star of the show again!
Its great to know that there are a lot of you out there enjoying your morning coffee in one of our lovely cups and taking meeting notes in our notebooks, this brings us real joy!
During the two days we also took time to visit some of the speaker sessions including the Chief Pharmacists Keynote speech and hearing from the brilliant Santosh Sahu from Charac on omnichannel in Community Pharmacy. We also saw a rise in discussions around mental health, stress and burnout which I feel links into both our solutions.
Drugs Audit has been designed to remove manual admin from medication audits and reduce stress and pressure related to these activities and is doing this so well in our partner trusts. We Love Surveys have long been passionate advocates of understanding colleagues and how they are feeling and most recently we have seen a rise in requests for wellbeing surveys and a better understanding of the mental health of teams and individuals.
Our two passions will come together soon in a *TOP SECRET* project with someone you all know very well, a project that will merge our love for audits and passion for taking care of colleagues – a project that will be exclusively available for pharmacy! Watch this space for more coming soon…..
Overall, the show was a good one for us. It’s always tricky as a small business to decide what is a good investment in the growth of the business and of course the outputs from the show need to have an impact for us to book again but, given what we experienced this time, it’s likely you will see us again in the very near future!
Check out our video diary of the event here: